Hi there!
My name is Moritz Zwerger, aka Bixilon
Software developer from Munich
Feel free to send me something nice:
About me
I am Moritz! Currently I am a young developer and love spending time in front of my computer to do software development. I started (~2013) with Scratch, then went pretty quickly to PHP and Java. Meanwhile I started working on a lot of different projects and learned (still learning) a lot of technologies and concepts. Basically I am doing everything with computers.
I also love reversing, hacking into systems and explore the world (virtually, by bike or just on foot :D).
Active skills / technologies
Was my main language back then, but since I am using Kotlin, Java is not needed anymore
This is currently my favorite and most used programming language
Only using it in one project, but it works with a lot of weird workarounds ;)
Kotlin, Java, PHP, Docker, Kubernetes, TypeScript, JavaScript, IntelliJ, Git, Perl, Lua, Linux, Windows, HTML, CSS, Scss, Sass, Python, MySQL, MongoDB, C, C++, Rust, OpenGL, PowerShell, CMD, Bash, Reversing (general), Android, Angular, MBF, Ktor and Netty

Win Net Stall
A tool to fully unattended install and configure Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11 via pxe boot for a ton of devices
Corona Inzidenz Bot
A bot that is automatically sending the current "Inzidenz" (+ more) of Munich to lots of epole

I am also doing a lot of stuff, that I can not publish due to various reasons (e.g. tactically bad, special hardware requirements, missing copyright, …). I apologize for that.
Blog posts
Blog articles moved to their own dedicated webpage: blog.bixilon.de